Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Looks like the grass is starting to grow...


At Tue Nov 14, 05:55:00 AM EST, Blogger Dori and company said...

its growing even after all of us trampled on it at the family brunch on saturday?
thats really sturdy grass.

by the way, now that i have seen the grass from upclose all the way to the end of the avacodos, i must give you a cheer for plowing in very stright lines. that must have been difficult with the rain.

did you use the stars as your compass?

At Tue Nov 14, 06:23:00 AM EST, Blogger keren said...

the stars were covered by clouds (DUH)
so we used oddi's new laser level...

and actually, this pic was taken before saturday. we should go over and see what the damage actually is :S


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