Tuesday, May 23, 2006

NASA press release

A few Israelies star in today's NASA news release. Check it out at NASA's European webpage for NASA/ESO Space Telescope or at the Space Telescope Science Institute websites.

The image below (click to enlarge, notice the credits!), shows a cluster of galaxies, which doubles as a gigantic natural telescope - a gravitational lens. The four white bright star-like objects you see by the center of the image are actually images of the same far away object, called a Quasar. The quasar's image is multiplied, because the light that comes from it is bent by the massive cluster. Something like what happens when light passes through a bottle of beer, a fish tank, or a kaleidoscope .

Also seen in this image (click here for one with markings on it) is a couple of newly found Supernovae. Here you can see some zoom-in images, on the areas of the Supernovae.

This research, both the lensing phenomenon seen in this image, and the study of the supernovae, is a part of my PhD work. If you're not afraid of big science words, you can check out the paper here :)


At Tue May 23, 05:54:00 PM EDT, Blogger ancient clown said...

COOL PICTURES!!! I was wondering what you might think about the Law Of Life as I've observed it. Though it may be a little outside your area of expertise...even the children SEE the TRUTH in it.
Life is all about 'perspective' and even Quantum Physics now recognizes the involvement of the observer...however, they have only taken into account the Compassionate/Sympathetic view instead of the Empathic view.
Please take a walk through 'Ancient's History' if it's not too simple(LOL)for you.
I don't think I know...I just know I'm thinking.
your humble servant,
Ancient Clown

At Wed May 24, 02:46:00 AM EDT, Blogger bk said...

Everyone go look at APOD !. It's the picture of the day. There's a link to Keren's webpage on there too. Everyone is going to know her name now. This is awesome!

By the way, her advisor was on the Israeli evening news last night explainging the picture. Her name was all over the TV! I think she should have a picture signing :)

At Wed May 24, 03:36:00 AM EDT, Blogger bk said...

I've limited the comments so that Ancient Clown will not be bothering us anymore. I think this is part of the whole blogging thing--shameless advertising your own blog. It can be good or bad for you. Good in the sense that you get more exposure, but bad in the sense that you open yourself to attack. Poor ancient clown. I'll update you as I look over his blog.

At Wed May 24, 05:04:00 AM EDT, Blogger keren said...

If your today is my tomorrow, or any other time in the future, you might want a reference to the "Astronomy Picture Of the Day" of TODAY.

At Wed May 24, 09:21:00 AM EDT, Blogger Sandy K. said...

Wow!!!!Just wow!!! Keren's pic on APOD. I've actually had APOD bookmarked for about 4 years now. Does this this make us all celebrities by association?

At Tue May 30, 08:12:00 PM EDT, Blogger DadK said...

Way to go Keren!!!! That's the way to leave your mark on the world of astronomy. I am so happy for, and proud of you. I will not read the eplanation, but will wait for you to explain it to me, in person, because only that will be the proper telling, and only then will I be able to truly appreciate your achievement!

At Fri Jun 02, 08:01:00 AM EDT, Blogger Dori and company said...

Can you finnaly name something after yourself???

Anything at all?
You shouldn't be picky about it -
Star/cluster/supernova/quazar/white dwarf/yellow giant/big Ogre (wait - that's Shrek)

Keren, you know and we know that you're special (I mean that in a good way)!

One day, you'll be the MOST FAMOUS astronomer!

(No offense Ben, but so far she's got you beaten. and you know what they say about that - if you can't beat them- Join them. Or marry them).

Way to go Keren!

Big Big Kiss


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