Wednesday, May 10, 2006

ecological footprint

Go to and you can see through a little quiz of your lifestyle how many planets it would take for humanity to survive if we all lived like you. It's pretty neat.


At Wed May 10, 01:20:00 PM EDT, Blogger ERS said...

I'm 12 acres (~2.7 Earths) :(

At Wed May 10, 05:27:00 PM EDT, Blogger ERS said...

I would like to thank Jeff who lives in India in a 200 square foot apartment with 12 other people, walks 1 mile to work, and eats mainly rice and curry for making my consumption level possible.

At Wed May 10, 05:33:00 PM EDT, Blogger koesterk said...

I've gotten myself down to about 1.5 but I have some unfair advantages. I.E. apartment, work and school both easy biking distance, and whole foods selling mostly local foods.

At Wed May 10, 05:33:00 PM EDT, Blogger koesterk said...

and I talked to Jeff. He doesn't like you.

At Thu May 11, 03:33:00 AM EDT, Blogger keren said...

i need 3.5 worlds. sorry for taking all that space... i have the disadvantage of living in one of the largest cities in my country, plus i drive 40 km a week to see my parents, and fly 100 hours a year to see the rest of my family :)
i promise to do better on transportation next year, after moving to chicago. driving to work will probably not be an option, and also driving to my parents every weekend... maybe i can take a boat accross the lake, or buy a mule.

erin, that guy in india is really named Jehfukuhartarama Subrahamusthrhata. he's just being nice to you when he lets you call him Jeff.

At Thu May 11, 03:36:00 AM EDT, Blogger bk said...

16 acres for me, for 3.7 planets.
-food: 5.2
-mobility: 1.7
-shelter: 4.2
-goods/services: 5.4

24 acres is the average in the U.S. I think if I went vegan, and started a garden in the living room I could knock down the food. And I could use a rowboat to visit Israel.

What if we all lived like Jeff? Well, then we would require < 1 planet right? Then we would either have to blow up the rest of the planet or get invaded by aliens. Think about it...we're maximizing the usage of the planet ;)

At Thu May 11, 03:37:00 AM EDT, Blogger bk said...

Jeff wastes a lot of energy just writing his full name. I don't see THAT in the footprint anywhere.

At Thu May 11, 08:56:00 AM EDT, Blogger ERS said...

I know Kevin says he has some "unfair advantages" like biking and living in an apartment, but he forgot to mention the advantage he gave himself when he lied and said he was vegan! You know Buffalo Wings are made from buffalos which increases your ecological footprint 10 fold!

At Thu May 11, 12:40:00 PM EDT, Blogger koesterk said...

I haven't been to BW3's in around two weeks. The food is actually one of the things that knocks me down a little bit.


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