Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Ben -----> Tel Aviv (May 2006)

Ben will be in Israel from May 3rd-Jun 2nd. Hopefully he will be able to write a thesis during this time. He's really stressed out beyond all recognition from this stupid thesis thing.
Here' s the vital flight info. If you go to Continental Airlines and enter any of the following flight numbers during the time I'm flying, you can track my progress from Detroit to Newark to Tel Aviv and back. I think it has a funny little animation, if I remember right.

Wed May 3 - 1:25 pm-3:05pm, leave Detroit, fly to Newark (Contitental Flight 2133)
4:05pm - 9:30am (Tel Aviv time, 2:30 am EST) , fly from Newark to Tel Aviv.
(Continental Flight 84)

I'm tired and lazy right now. I need to kill my brain with beer for a little bit. I'll post the return information at the end of this month.

By the way, does anyone out there know what I'm supposed to put in my thesis? I guess I'll start by putting some science products in there, followed by some pretty pictures.


At Tue May 02, 09:53:00 PM EDT, Blogger ERS said...

Yes, i recommend lots of huge graphs and long data tables and then several appendicies of computer printouts and possibly even append that catalog thing you did...This way it will look you produced more science then you actually did...This is what I like to do at my science factory.

At Wed May 03, 03:33:00 PM EDT, Blogger koesterk said...

Yeah and you can put reaaaaalllllyy long quotes in there like four or five pages a piece. You can talk about the demand for science and science merchandise too.

At Wed May 03, 05:30:00 PM EDT, Blogger keren said...

"Maybe you can explain how come your observations under-predict the abundance of small halos that we see in simulations???"

(- a theorist)

At Thu May 04, 08:34:00 PM EDT, Blogger koesterk said...

Yeah jymer...maybe you could explain that little issue. I was wondering about it myself but I thought you and I might be the only ones that understood it.

At Fri May 05, 09:59:00 AM EDT, Blogger ERS said...

Ah yes, the small halos, I too was curious about that.

At Fri May 05, 02:22:00 PM EDT, Blogger Sandy K. said...

Not me. I've been wondering about the big halos. Do they mean bigger angels?

At Fri May 05, 03:21:00 PM EDT, Blogger koesterk said...

If there are bigger angels, does that mean that the distribution of angel matter has to be re-distributed and less small angels or smaller small angels have to be made?

At Sat May 06, 04:21:00 PM EDT, Blogger ERS said...

Kevin makes a good point, have you considered Rule Number 1: Conservation of Angels?

At Sun May 07, 03:50:00 AM EDT, Blogger bk said...

Whoa!!? That just got the classic "Jymer Cringe". I'm confused now. It looks like I will have to include a description of angels in my thesis now.

Conservation of Angels works like this: I eat an angel, and an angel comes out.

At Sun May 07, 02:00:00 PM EDT, Blogger koesterk said...

At this point I must also ask you on your point "I eat an Angel, an angel comes out".. If you eat different colored angels..
for example a green angel and a red angel...do they all come out the same color? If so does this effect the distribution of colored angels and if so, how so?

At Sun May 07, 02:36:00 PM EDT, Blogger ERS said...

Okay, but does the angel look like an easter bunny egg when it comes out?

At Mon May 08, 05:45:00 AM EDT, Blogger bk said...

That doesn't matter. We never said anything about conservation of angel color. Maybe we can answer the question next Christmas with a bunch of angel cookies.

At Mon May 08, 09:12:00 AM EDT, Blogger Sandy K. said...

Solving this pressing question is unlikely, since the Christmas traditon around here seems to have morphed from decorating cookies as beautiful Christmas trees, sparkling angels, and such to decorating cookies as chainsaw victims, cosmological objects, and cartoon dogs. The Koester family seems to have developed a talent for corrupting holiday. Look out, Sharons.

At Mon May 08, 11:14:00 AM EDT, Blogger koesterk said...

Mmmmmm decapitated rudolph cookies. drool....

At Mon May 08, 12:08:00 PM EDT, Blogger bk said...

The Sharons already contributed with the Passover Eggs. I'm sure it doesn't stop there.

I still like to do the Christmas trees up pretty. The reindeer seem to bear the brunt of the assault on Christmas.

At Mon May 08, 12:36:00 PM EDT, Blogger koesterk said...

Yeah really. And we wouldn't even make injured reindeer if someone would just make cookies that aren't broken. I.E. the legs of the reindeer and heads of the snowmen....Not to name names.....

At Mon May 08, 04:41:00 PM EDT, Blogger bk said...

At this point, we should all ask ourselves what science can bring to the distorted cookie problem. Through science, we might find a way to make the reindeer and snowman heads more robust...maybe we should add fiber...grape nuts and nutty nuggets.

At Mon May 08, 05:39:00 PM EDT, Blogger koesterk said...

or we could take liquid nails and just glue the cookie back together. By doing this, not only will it heal the wound, but it will also keep the brown/tan color of the cookie consistent.

At Tue May 09, 08:25:00 AM EDT, Blogger bk said...

"We tried crazy glue and it doesn't work."
"Have you tried staples!?!!!??"

At Tue May 09, 12:21:00 PM EDT, Blogger Sandy K. said...

I can't help you. I've deliberately made my reindeer and snowmen more gracile and they're going to stay that way. If you use staples on them I'll call the ASPCA!

At Wed May 10, 07:32:00 AM EDT, Blogger bk said...

I'm pretty sure snowmen aren't protected by the Bill of Rights. There's snowman genocide every spring, and no one bats an eyelash.

At Wed May 10, 05:36:00 PM EDT, Blogger koesterk said...

Snowman Genocide is just another unfortunate consequence of global warming. Beings are starting to die from it now. So you might say it's more of a seasonal suicide, they all stay here during the spring instead of migrating north. It's just like lemmings.


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