Worst Case Scenario - Sharon style
It's Friday afternoon...
Omer and Dikla are invited to Dikla's parents, and we are eating with sapta.
The only problem is:
Let's learn from Dalia's actions...
She opened the fridge, and took out some minced chicken and pankaiks.
fried the chickenin a pan with onions.
then she made the pankakes, and made a flat base as if it is a tortia.
some yellow cheese, and some of Dalia's magic, and here is the result:
Now i am not sure what this thing is, but i have seen people eat it before...
and some tehene, and tuna salad
Bon Apetete
Pankake = Blinchess
what's that?!? seems like you've been using the old refrigerator more than the new one!
Yeh. new fridge is making problems.. it is declaired as one of the worst deals we made...
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