Sunday, June 11, 2006


Now's it time for me to procrastinate for a few mintues from writing, and write something different.

I've been meaning to do this for a few weeks, and I finally got around to it. There's this thing called Pandora, which is basically an internet radio station. Dikla and Omer spoke highly of it during our drive to Kinneret a few weeks ago, so I had to try it. On that site, you can make your own "radio stations" and fine tune them to play music very close to what you want, quite possibly by artists you've never heard of. You have to try it to get a feel for it. It's mostly useful for those of us that sit at a desk all day and like a little music in the background while we produce computer code or "science" or whatever. I think it's pretty cool.

Anyway, Pandora has some RSS feeds set up such that it monitors the stations and songs you've recently listened to a lot , say in the last week. It keeps track of them, ranks them, and automatically posts them to other websites (like this blog). So I had to try it out, just because I can. If you look in the right margin of the blog (scroll down a bit) there's a section called "Ben's Pandora Music", or something like that. It's set to monitor which songs and stations I listened to most in the last week. You can click on the songs or radio stations and listen to them if you want. Right now, mine is short because it's only been working for an hour or so. But it should pile up. Maybe it's interesting, maybe not, but it's there.

If anyone else wants to list radio stations in theat part of of blog, let me know, and we can post those there too. Have fun.


At Mon Jun 12, 10:34:00 AM EDT, Blogger koesterk said...

I don't see any links Jymer. Thats poor managment. To begin an argument, I will state that this website is for you types who can't find different music for yourselves; particularly Jymer.

At Mon Jun 12, 03:18:00 PM EDT, Blogger bk said...

yeah, it's not updating itself very well. maybe this isn't going to work. you're right, this is poor management on the part of Pandora.

i think your latter statement is foolish and pathetically dim-witted, sir. shame one you. is there an easier, and just as legal place to find different music?

At Mon Jun 12, 03:22:00 PM EDT, Blogger koesterk said...

I used to go to You basically go through and grade every musical group as you listen to them and you end up pretty well off. You just have to have a yahoo account which is free.

At Mon Jun 12, 07:58:00 PM EDT, Blogger bk said...

Maybe I'll try it. I haven't abused Pandora enough yet.

Ok,the links sort of work now, but not as advertised. It was supposed to display the stations and songs I listened to most in the last week, but it doesn't quite do that. It shows the most recent stations I created, and the most recent songs I flagged as my "favorites". I have to figure out how to get the blog to act like a newsreader.


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