Wednesday, August 05, 2009


I arrived home this morning after a week with Ella (and her parents ;) to this: One of my bunchberry is blooming! Yay!!! I spent almost a year hunting for the plants and I spent hours preparing the ground for them, but this plant I picked up here in Cadillac and just stuck in the ground in an open space, and Voila! (I think maybe bunchberry does not like to be babied too much.) The white flowers, which usually show up in the spring, are replaced by a cluster of bright red berries in the fall. Keep your fingers crossed!


At Thu Aug 06, 01:50:00 AM EDT, Blogger dalia said...

What a nice wellcome home.Gary, what did you do there?Did you have beer with Bunchberry while Sandy was away?

At Thu Aug 06, 08:18:00 AM EDT, Blogger keren said...

yayy bunchberries!!

Sandy, if your plants need you to look the other way from time to time, you're always welcomed to come back here :D

At Fri Aug 07, 01:23:00 PM EDT, Blogger Sandy K. said...

no dalia.....I just went to the right garden store. But don't tell Sandy!

At Fri Aug 07, 02:39:00 PM EDT, Blogger RonSha said...

I bet it's one of the garden stores which are "convenient" stores - they have flowers to surprise the wife, and fish to surprise the friends and relatives... and beer


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