Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Evil Cat Redeemed

This will be quick, and fortunately, I have no pictures.
Phoebe, once the reviled bunny and bird slayer, has once again found a place in our good graces. Last night, 2:00 am, lots of crashing in our dark bedroom, followed by the sound of strange rythmic squeaking. Since Gary didn't seem to be curious, (and Roy remained snoring on the bed) I got up to investigate. When I turned the light on, Phoebe was crouched over what appeared, at first glance, to be a huge mouse (or rat?) But when I got closer, I saw it had wings. Somehow, a bat had gotten into our bedroom and Super Slayer had caught and wounded it. Gary went back to sleep and I took it out to the deck to finish it off. Since Gary wasn't willing to get up to help, I used his boot to smash it.


At Tue Aug 07, 02:52:00 PM EDT, Blogger keren said...

way to go phebe!!!
and sandy, you are so brave!!! i wouldn't have finished off anything bigger than a roach. and that also with a bug spray, from a good distance.
i'm glad you didn't need to use your own shoe. yuck.

we don't have spiders (or bats) at home. i think gray gets to them before we even see them (unless it's dinner time and then he doesn't care about anything that doesn't come from a can).

so is phoebe being forgiven for all the innocent animals she slayed?

At Wed Aug 08, 03:18:00 AM EDT, Blogger dalia said...

Can you bring Phoebe with you?I have a mice family in my studio!!!we already got red of 8 mice.mother father and 6 kids.Malacas is getting old :(

At Wed Aug 08, 11:19:00 AM EDT, Blogger bk said...

Did you have a funeral for the bat?

At Wed Aug 08, 12:50:00 PM EDT, Blogger Sandy K. said...

Yeah, Ben. I said, "Tell your friens to stay out of Phoebe's House of Pain" and then I hit him with the boot and tossed him into the woods in the general vicinity of Woody and Bob's graves.

It WAS 2:00 in the morning you know.

Dalia, Phoebe would love to come, but considering how long Megan's passport is taking, I'm afraid we couldn't get Phoebe's in time for the trip.


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