Saturday, January 27, 2007

Walk on the beach

1) a huge experiment in physics
as the waves hit the concrete wall, they bounce back and interfere with other incoming waves. this creates a huge pattern of wavefronts (that you can barely see in this picture...), with the constructive interference causing a spike in the ridge in the junctions where two wavefronts meet.

2) written in stone
The stone wall is scarred with all sort of love statements, names, faces, drawings, cartoons, and what not. This is my favorite...



At Wed Jan 31, 09:07:00 PM EST, Blogger bk said...

There were some interesting people on the beach that we really couldn't take pictures of:

There was a weird guy on the sandy beach drawing a giant heart in the sand, probably for some woman living in a lake shore high-rise...maybe a bit of low level stalking going on there.

And some kids smoking pot out on one of the mini-piers, probably debating the intricacies of wave physics.


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