Monday, June 25, 2007

Meanest Cat in World

Here she is. The meanest cat in the world. She looks very sweet and cuddly, doesn't she? But she's a brutal killer, trust me.

And here's the proof. Baby bunny rescued from Phoebe's mouth about 1/2 hour ago. Still alive, but injured. I'm waiting for Gary to come home and make the call. And Phoebe did this without benefit of front claws and while wearing one of those collars with the bell on it to "warn" birds and small animals. The lettuce is in hopes that the little guy will survive. He did eat a bit of it, so we'll see.


At Mon Jun 25, 05:40:00 PM EDT, Blogger keren said...

oh, poor little guy!
i hope he survives.
how is he hurt? where's his mom?
with such large ears, he must have heard her. but maybe she fooled him by acting nice and all, and then attacked him when his defences were down :(

At Mon Jun 25, 05:46:00 PM EDT, Blogger Sandy K. said...

Gary says it's apparently just a flesh wound, so we will try to medicate him with antibios and give him a chance for a few days.

At Tue Jun 26, 11:02:00 PM EDT, Blogger keren said...

it's tuesday, how's he doing?

At Wed Jun 27, 07:14:00 AM EDT, Blogger dalia said...

It's wednesday,How is he doung ?
Oddi needs a collar with the bell too.Last night he killed a mole.He saw the mole wolking on the grass at the backyard, he was barefoot, and the closest wipon that he had near by was a sement pipe 20 enches that he rolled over him.I was asleep so I didnt take a photo of the "carpet".

At Wed Jun 27, 08:56:00 AM EDT, Blogger Sandy K. said...

He's OK so far. I can't tell if he's eating or not though. I hope I'm imagining that he seems a bit listess.

Maybe I should try Oddi's technique with the moles in our backyard.

At Wed Jun 27, 02:39:00 PM EDT, Blogger keren said...

The scroogim only attack stringy things so fat. they destroyed some of my hair bands, a pajama strap, and they threaten our shoestrings and flip-flops on a regualr basis.
they chewed all the way through one of the speakers cables in two places, and half way through the web-cam's cable.
maybe they need a pet mouse with a long tail... yuck.

At Thu Jun 28, 04:30:00 PM EDT, Blogger bk said...

Poor guy. Maybe if you let yellow dog out with her, he'll bark at her when she's bad. I know he barks at Roy when you tell him to get off the counter...

At Fri Jun 29, 08:52:00 PM EDT, Blogger Sandy K. said...

R.I.P. bunny. It seemed to be doing very well until this afternoon, when it got kindof listless. Tonight it was almost gone and Gary put it down quickly. :(

At Fri Jun 29, 11:59:00 PM EDT, Blogger keren said...

poor bunny.


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