Thursday, May 03, 2007

Things that I deal with when Keren is here

1. Use more lotion around my mouth to avoid getting more wrinkles from smiling (- thanks Keren for getting me that creme at Meijer!)
2. Debating whether to keep talking to Ron when he wakes up in the morning or keeping silence because Keren likes a quiet surrounding when she wakes up
3. See the red car and say to myself-it is Keren coming
4. Realize again how tiered I am or how deaf I am being able to sleep next to Oddi when he snores (-thank you keren for taping and providing me with evidence!)
5. Realize the improvement that Keren has achieved tiding up everything (are genes passing between sisters in law - thank you Erin!)
6. To see Keren with Dori ....
7. To see malakas being brushed-and the white hair is not on me
8. To hear how the rest of the family solve maths and physics problems during dinner and to understand that this is the time for me to clear the table because I understand nothing from what they are saying.
9. more will probably come, it's only her 4th day here...


At Thu May 03, 07:53:00 AM EDT, Blogger keren said...

i have an objection to item #2 - it's not that i need quiet around me in the morning, it just takes some time until i become talkative. so usually in the morning i respond with "hmmm" to whatever i'm asked. so you can go on and talk with ron - i don;t mind, and you can even talk to me, but don't be ofended when i don't look excited or alive ;) i'm still 50% asleep!

At Thu May 03, 08:24:00 AM EDT, Blogger bk said...

Good post, Dalia! About #2, I've found that she reaches talkative level a lot quicker once she's had her medicine: a cup of coffee. It doesn't make her suddenly start chattering, but it does help things along a bit. As a morning person, I feel one of my jobs is to help wake up the non-morning persons in the world.

At Thu May 03, 08:36:00 AM EDT, Blogger keren said...

it also helps if i can sleep until a reasonable hour, and wake up on my own. lately gray scrooge is waking me up with a wet kiss on my nose, and then i spend 1/2 an hour in bed petting him, scratching behind his ears, while ben works in the living room. when i finally get out of bed and drink my coffee i'm more awake... (p.s. i still don't like having to talk when i wake up at home, so it usually sums up to "what's the time" and "how's the weather like today", which is the worst part of my morning.) by the time we start driving to work, though, i'm all better.


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