Lawn Semi contractors
We woke up this morning, suprised to find 2 semi-contractors taking care of the lawn in the avokado field.
There names are Big gray sTooge, and Big brown sTooge.
They came this morning, ready for work.
We hope they will not reck something important.
As it may look like, this is not our alternative for your squarles. We don't have horses running around here.
But, just like Roy with the squarles, Malakas also dosn't react to the horses outside.
Are you going to build a tree for them like the grey and black sCrooges have? You wouldn't want them on your refrigerator.
* Does anyone know where they came from?
* Ron - maybe you can ride them to work (on the days that you remember that you have a job) and save money on gas!
* be careful out there, you don't want to step in something like this
and by the way, the grass doesn't look like it would have been ready for a May wedding.
1.One of the horses used the patio as W.C
2.We found the owners.
3.Yes ,the grass will never be ready on May
4.If the horses will come often to owr restorant the grass will never be ready and we will have the wedding in the horses steable
Maybe the horses are just what the grass in the avocado grove needs. They were probably trying to "fertilize" that grass, with their own special brand of fertilzer: "road apples", as we call them in the US.
we did get some "road apples". the only problem is that the horse that fertilized didn't fertilize the correct thing, and he did it on our patio!
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