Friday, January 29, 2010


This is not a post for people with weak hearts (or high cholesterol).

I should have resisted this little research, but i didn't.
here's what our brownies "cost":
(the amounts are down-scaled to fit my pan, for Dalia's multiply by 4/3.)

yup, 4511 calories. that's for the entire pan. i usually cut it into 48 pieces, that's about 94 calories per brownie... not too bad... it's still less than a beer...


At Fri Jan 29, 11:41:00 PM EST, Blogger dalia said...

So if I eat 1 boild egg its just as if I eat 1 piece of browni.and enjoy my diet.

At Sun Jan 31, 12:55:00 PM EST, Blogger Sandy K. said...

And if you only eat ONE brownie, you're OK. I'll bet Ben never eats more than one. ;)


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