Thursday, March 06, 2008

Playing super mario galaxy in israel

Can you help me with this one?

if you'll click on this link, you can see me play

please help me feguring out which version is closer to the game.

and thank you again for the guitar. it is so much fun to play now.

P.S. when i saw my parents at the airport, Dalia was so happy. WOW, you bought a guitar. the first thing she said to me was about the guitar. i guess she has some sort of x-ray vision, and she could tell how good it is from the outside.


At Fri Mar 07, 02:51:00 AM EST, Blogger keren said...

ron, we had to return the game to blockbuster... it was rented... but we will buy one soon!! :)

At Fri Mar 07, 06:16:00 AM EST, Blogger RonSha said...


well, i guess it's for the best - you do need to work on something small for the univercity, right? i think it is called a DOCTORAT.... and NASA stuff also. so, i guess the timing was good.

At Fri Mar 07, 10:05:00 AM EST, Blogger keren said...

e don't NEED the game to know which one is better. the tune is stuck in our head for ever and ever :)
we think the 2nd version is more similar to the game, 'cause it's like... i don't know what it is about it. can't find the words' says ben.



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