Tuesday, January 01, 2008

New Flash thingy

I made a new flash thingy. you can see it at:


it's a light application, so there is lo loading time. it starts with a blank screen, you just draw a few imaginary lines, and after the third, the thing starts.

every line you make will change the screen.


At Wed Jan 02, 12:52:00 AM EST, Blogger bk said...

Cool. Doesn't work too well on Firefox in Linux. It only seems to track the last two lines I make.

At Wed Jan 02, 06:25:00 PM EST, Blogger dadK said...

Pretty nice Ron. When I play with it I feel I must have been an artist in one of my preceding lives.

At Thu Jan 03, 01:31:00 AM EST, Blogger RonSha said...

Well, Ben, that it because it tracks only the last two lines..

And yeh, i guess we were all artists once (or drunk enough to be concidered as ones).


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